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Choosing the Right Cigar
At Tobacco Park, we like to say that the best cigar for you is the one you like best. That might sound obvious, but there is a surprising amount of mythology surrounding the art of cigar enjoyment, not the least of which is the idea that there is a single "best" cigar or a single "right" size or shape.
The fact is, picking a cigar type and size is an individual decision, like picking a new suit or tie. When picking a cigar, it helps to remember that the two biggest influences on any cigar's taste, body, and "smokability" are size (thickness and length) and blend. That leaves lots of choice. Fine, handmade cigars can be regularly found in more than 60 sizes, and that's not counting one-of-a-kind or rare specialty items, such as an 18-inch cigar that was made for King Farouk of Egypt.
Cigars can be made of tobaccos entirely from a single country of origin or can consist of many different types of tobaccos from many different regions. The terms "Dominican cigar" or "Honduran cigar" generally refer to the country of origin where the cigar was manufactured and not necessarily the origin of the tobaccos themselves.
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-Last updated on July 28th, 2015